Share House Bliss:

The Must-Have Apps for Smooth Co-living

Hey there, my fellow share-house warriors! Are you tired of navigating the treacherous waters of communal living? Well, fear not, for we’ve unearthed a treasure trove of apps that will revolutionize your cohabitation experience. These clever little companions should make your communal living experience a whole lot smoother and enjoyable.

First up, let's talk money—always a touchy subject. But fret not, for Beem It is here to sprinkle some financial magic into your share-house dynamics. Say goodbye to endless bill-splitting debates and hello to seamless transactions. This app allows you to split grocery bills, pay your share of the Telstra bill, and even nudge your roomie to cough up for those drinks you graciously bought last Friday. With Beem It, you can effortlessly transfer funds to both your friendly flatmates and those intimidating multinational megacorps. And hey, it even throws in a dose of humor with its GIF integration because, let's face it, a well-timed GIF can diffuse any tense situation—even when it involves chasing down that elusive $50 you're owed. Beem It: where finances meet fun!

Download here:
iOS and Android

Now, let's tackle the eternal question: "Where you at?" You know the drill—trying to figure out if your roommate will make it home before the pizza delivery guy gets lost, or attempting to locate your elusive flatmates amidst the chaotic pub scene. Enter Find My Friends, your trusty sidekick in the quest for location enlightenment. No more bothering your pals or deciphering directions over rowdy pub chatter. Get the entire household on board with this app that way they can literally never ghost you. It's not just about safety; it's about ensuring that your flatmate's one-night stand doesn't turn into a solo adventure. With Find My Friends, you'll easily regroup for some unforgettable kick-ons, because, let's be honest, shared laughter is the glue that holds us together.

Download here:
Android and iOS

Now, let's tantalize our taste buds with some culinary savings, shall we? Picture this: eating out without draining your parents bank account faster than your younger sibling. With apps like Eat Club and The Happiest Hour, you can embark on gastronomic adventures on a budget. Eat Club is your gateway to exclusive specials, where you can redeem mouthwatering deals right in the app, offering discounts of up to a jaw-dropping 70% off regular menu prices. And for those who crave variety, The Happiest Hour will keep you in the loop when your favorite dining spots change or add specials to their tantalizing menus. Imagine the joy of discovering new culinary gems while saving a few bucks. It's like snorting your coke and eating it too.

Eat Club
Android and iOS

The Happiest Hour
Android and iOS

Let's address the never-ending battle with laundry. No washing machine? No problem! Enter the hero of cleanliness—the Speed Queen app. This little wonder not only saves you precious time at the laundromat but also rescues you from the arduous quest for spare change hidden in the depths of your couch cushions. Without leaving the comfort of your home, the Speed Queen app reveals if there's a free machine waiting for you at the local laundry and allows you to pay for your loads with a few taps. It even keeps you updated on the cycle's remaining time, ensuring you can perfectly time your trip to retrieve your freshly laundered belongings. Efficiency and cleanliness have never been so effortlessly intertwined. Laundry day just got a whole lot more amusing!

Download here:
Android and iOS

YWaste, is your golden ticket to takeaway delights at a fraction of the cost. Here's the scoop: local restaurants and fresh food retailers list their surplus goodies on this app, sparing them from the wasteland and offering you incredible deals. From full meals to delectable snacks and mouthwatering desserts, YWaste comes alive in those crucial hours before restaurants close their doors. Not only will you save a pretty penny on your favorite takeout treats, but you'll also embark on a culinary adventure, discovering new dining spots you've never dared to try before. It's a win-win for your taste buds and your wallet. Happy hunting for those bargain bites!

Download here:
Android and iOS

Now, let's put an end to the shocking power bills that haunt our share houses. Powershop, my friends, is here to rescue us from those jaw-dropping electricity costs. By downloading this app, you gain the power (pun intended) to track your household's power usage by the hour and compare it over time. But that's not all—prepare to dive into the nitty-gritty details. Powershop allows you to pinpoint power consumption during specific moments, whether it's when certain individuals were home, when they were out, or even when they had a raucous band practice with five amplifiers. It's like having a backstage pass to the electricity show. Not only will the Powershop app put an end to those dreaded share-house disputes, but it also helps you save energy and money. And for the environmentally conscious among us, rejoice! Powershop Australia is owned by a 100% renewable energy company, and every customer's energy use is 100% carbon offset. Now that's power worth celebrating!

Download here:
Android and iOS

But wait, there's more! Let's talk about maintaining a clean and tidy abode. Say farewell to the weekly nag session and welcome the Chores App into your life. This gem simplifies the process of task allocation within your household. Just create a to-do list, and with a tap, you can grab tasks and assign them to your fellow roomies. It's that easy. The Chores App even includes a chat function, perfect for those moments when you're away for the weekend and need your roommate to cover your chores. And to add some extra incentive, this app rewards you with points for each completed task, allowing you to see who's pulling their weight and who needs a gentle nudge to step up their game. It's time to turn the chore wars into a playful competition. May the cleanest roomie win!

Download here:
Android and iOS

And for those seeking new share-house adventures or searching for the perfect flatmate to join your crew, look no further than the Flatmates App. Did you know that Flatmates has both Android and iOS apps? It's time to embrace the digital era and embark on a quest to find your ideal share-house match. So, go ahead and download the app today to kickstart your search for the perfect living situation. Who knows? You might just stumble upon the roommate of your dreams. Happy hunting, my fellow housemates!

Download here:

iOS App Store and Android Play Store.

Remember, my friends, technology can be our ally in the wild world of shared living. With these clever apps by your side, you'll navigate the twists and turns of communal life with a touch of humor, efficiency, and, of course, culinary delights. Cheers to smoother share-house adventures ahead!