The Hidden Connection:

Dolphin Vaginas and the Pleasure Debate

Dolphins have held a special place in human history that spans from ancient times to our present day. Earliest evidence includes ancient Greek art, from bronze age Knossos, that features dolphins at play in all of their unbound glory. Dolphins were worshipped by ancient mariners and fishermen as dolphins would often lead them to the most bountiful fishing spots. Modern representations of the mighty dolphin include the 1960s US tv series “Flipper”. The show featured a super intelligent dolphin capable of understanding fluent English and so loyal he’d regularly risk his scale-less skin to save his human buddies. Nowadays, as we’ve come to appreciate nature, we’re more likely to experience the majesty of dolphins from an eco-friendly dolphin watching boat. Groups of dolphin devotees will constantly wonder at how the dolphins take as much interest in us humans as they swim up to the boat to check us out.

More Than Just Friends

It appears there’s more to the relationship between humans and dolphins than just mutual admiration. A recent article in New Scientist highlights the work of animal genitalia researcher Patricia Brennan who has unearthed some previously well hidden similarities between dolphin and human anatomy.

Patricia was patiently at work on the study of dolphin vaginas which, by her account, are incredibly complex and contain many, many folds. Makes sense when you consider the dolphin spends its whole life in the water including when lady dolphins and their boyfriends make out (you don’t want saltwater getting into the female dolphins reproductive system).

Patricia was in virgin territory in her research as nobody had ever really thoroughly examined the multiple folds in the dolphin vagina. Upon inspection it was discovered that female dolphins have well developed clitorises within their many folds, not dissimilar to female human anatomy.

Girl Dolphin Power

Scientists have long debated the notion of the “promiscuity” of dolphins and their enjoyment offree love in the deep. It seems they are more likely, like humans, to participate in non-procreational sex and some dolphins are also known to participate in acts like masturbation and homosexual sex. Studies indicate that dolphins, again like humans, will mate outside of breeding requirements in what is likely a way to form bonds and maintain a social order. It’s these similarities in human and dolphin sexual behaviour combined with the additional knowledge of similarities between genitalia that has gotten scientists excited. The study of dolphin sexual behaviour and anatomy helps in our understanding of the importance of sexual pleasure for the female when it comes to the survival and evolution of the species.

A Debate For The Ages

From the dark ages of religious denial of its existence to its glorfication in the 1960s sexual revolution, the clitoris has long been a hot topic of debate. The conjecture continues within scientific circles, particularly among evolutionary biologists, as to its evolution and effect on human societal development. And now, with a little help from our age-old friends from the deep, we might be a step closer to solving this puzzle.